Week 13A - Advertising on Social Media

1. I looked up the top 100 artists according to Billboard.com, and chose a few artists to focus on.  When you see major artists like Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, or Drake advertising their new releases, they are usually backed by a major label which is owned by a big corporation.  This means there is access to huge advertising budgets and radio play, as well as big music video productions.  Music videos are one of the best ways to promote new releases by popular artists, and a well produced one needs a high budget.  YouTube is the main outlet for music videos to be released, though record companies and MTV started music videos using TV as a form of advertising years ago.  They also use many social media outlets to engage with fans and promote new releases.  Radio play is still one of the most effective ways to release new music and increase sales, and that is followed up by streaming the music on the popular sites like Spotify.  All the music videos, TV advertising, social media and streaming serve as effective marketing tools used by the top artists and record labels today.  

2. Drake's Instagram, with over 50 million followers, uses action shots, selfies, and other interesting images to capture attention.  Many photos are black and white, and have a classy or professional look to them.  The account showcases Drakes life and accomplishments too, which give the audience a connection to the artist and keeps him interesting.  When his IG posts a sponsored ad, it's most likely targeting a demographic that mainly listens to his style of music.  The ad would promote a new single or, like his latest post, the fact that he was on the Billboard top 10 list for that week.  The high position on the Billboard is also a great advertising tool, since it means Drake is popular and potential fans will see this as a good reason to check out the artist.  Many top artists follow a similar formula for their social media advertising, which is frequent posts and engagement with interesting imagery.  It's also important to make the artist seem accessible and down to earth with fans, while showcasing their celebrity status.  

3.  I believe traditional advertising is still a powerful tool and necessary to include in a marketing budget.  However, social media advertising is the future and has a much more personal connection.  Instead of a general ad seen on a TV commercial which is harder to effectively track, social media ads reach a more targeted audience with measurable results.  Engaging the audience seems to work better and establish more of a relationship to the artist, which is important for all businesses as well.  Users can also post their own content and feel even more connected when it is noticed by the artist's social media.  This encourages more interaction and interest, something that traditional media isn't able to do.  


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