Week 10A - Human Interest
A human interest blog post would create an emotional appeal if the people reading the posts feel passionately about the subject or personal experience. This could be a personal emotional story where one might have overcome some difficult life obstacle, like a sickness or loss. The story might connect with others who have had similar experiences and create a dialogue with those people. Passionate "call to action" blog posts could also stir emotions and appeal to those who follow current events and like to voice their opinions. This would work for service based businesses who might benefit from emotional appeals, but might not help product based businesses like toy companies, or food companies who would want to stay neutral on many world issues.
LCF can utilize both passionate human interest type blog posts as well as light-hearted funny or interesting posts. There are several things that we as a band might be passionate about, and many of those ideas inspire our music. A blog would be a good forum to discuss ideas like spreading peace, cleaning up the Earth, political corruption, mass violence and so on. Many people feel passionate about these world issues, and providing a platform for our followers voices to be heard might grow our fan base. Since we aim to set ourselves apart from other music groups by finding our niche, the emotional appeal approach could help us gain attention.
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