Week 5B - LCF Target Market Analysis

Lion & The Cosmic Fish (LCF) will focus on millennials aged 18 to 34 with an income up to $60,000.  Within this age group, LCF will target music lovers who are college students, young professionals, and other creative individuals.  Specifically, indie music lovers and those who attend festivals will be the targeted niche market.  This market enjoys all kinds of music, seeks out new music on digital platforms, and frequently attends musical events.  The psychedelic indie rock style music of LCF attracts this niche market.  The artistic side, which includes creative stickers, art pieces, and other merchandise, also appeals to this market.  

Both genders in this niche market of music lovers will be targeted as well.  These individuals would enjoy the night life, going out after school or work to see live music concerts.  They would also attend festivals and other events frequently.   Millennials are the most active group to use digital platforms and social media sites as well.  They surf online for new music and stream it right to their devices.  They might find new and interesting music on social media through engaging posts and clips as well.  This group also spends some of their dispensable income on new music and interesting merchandise, especially when attending events like festivals.  LCF will use social media, YouTube videos, websites, and online distribution sites like ITunes to market, engage, and sell music and merchandise.  Festivals and other events will be utilized to engage with live audiences and sell merchandise as well.  

Sources for demographic information:  



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