Week 1A - My Template

This is the first blog I have actually used in a long time.  It has been somewhat difficult to set up since I'm not familiar with blogging in general.  I went through a few different themes and layouts before I settled on this current one.  This will be a learning experience as I make posts and continue to use the site for class.  Hopefully, I can utilized what I learn with my other social media platforms in order to connect and grow audience reach.

I chose the SOHO template because it was a clean, modern look with an interesting background photo option.  I would like to inspire thought and present ideas with my blog posts, so choosing a simple but interesting layout may catch some attention.  I want readers to easily access links to my posts as well.  The photos and graphics I might use should also compliment the topic and not distract readers.  I'd also like to present clear thoughts and discussions, so an simple layout should help with that too.  

I find that people don't like websites and blogs that are too busy or hard to access and read.  Too many colors and graphics might also distract from the blog's message.  I like to use a black background and white text to keep a modern look that's easy to see.  I chose the multi-colored light graphic to inspire thought and interest on the main page.

I will continue to improve and update the layout as I learn how to use this blogger as well.  I hope for feedback and suggestions to make it better.  I understand that just because I like the look of something and think it's easy to use, others may not.  I'm looking forward to learning the way of the blogger and how to put this platform to good use.


  1. Hey Mario!
    I thought the work you put into your page is excellent! It's very easy to navigate, and the color choices are easy on the eye. Also, the content flow throughout the page is the main focus so there's minimal distraction. This is my first time using this site as well, so best of luck learning all of the tricks! Great job!

  2. Hi, Mario! First off, the design at the top immediately caught my attention! Your layout is super simple and easy to navigate which I appreciate, because I don't blog! I like the color scheme because it's simple and that's what you're going for, but personally, the black doesn't necessarily invite me in just because of how dark it is. But again, that's completely personal preference and since we're all learning, there's definitely no right or wrong way! Good luck to you this semester!

  3. Thanks for the comment and my blog and same layout. Yours definitely has your own unique graphics and colors that sets ours apart. I feel like we have similar styles, and I mean aside from picking the same layout. I really like that burnt orange/red color choice for the sub headings and the graphic really grabs your attention yet is balanced and doesn't look too busy or cluttered. Crisp and clean.

    I am with you on the whole blogging experience. It seems straight forward enough but I really don't know what the hell I'm doing.

    Your blog post, particularly the second paragraph is really well written. I appreciate the sincerity and clear driven purpose.

  4. Hi Mario!

    Your blog is very eye-catching with the image on the front! Nice choice.


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